Friday, January 13, 2012

Weight Watchers...again!

Okay, my husband told me he is beginning to think I am on the diet of the week plan....because for a long time now, I have been bouncing from thing to thing to thing. Clean eating, South Beach, Medifast, etc. Though I don't dare tell him this to his face...he DOES have a point! I have been flitting here and flitting there trying this and trying that and not getting much of anywhere because I get tired of one way and then try something else. But, I do think I have, through all of this, been moving collectively in a more positive direction (albeit with no weight loss) in that we are eating at home far more than we eat out, and our eating at home has been much more health-conscious than it used to be. Not that it is 100% of the time, but I would say for the most part, I am trying really hard to use the clean-eating principles of using whole foods, staying away from lots of sugars and things like that. Now, making dessert is another matter. I haven't been great about staying away from that. But Lord willing, I will get there.

Here lately, I have been asking myself the question, "do I need a plan at all?" Well, I have gone back and forth, but the long and short of it, I think, is: YES. I do need a plan. I remember Howard Hendricks saying that if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I feel like the structure of a plan helps me and gives me some guidance. And so...after much deliberation and wringing of the hands over it, I have decided to go back and try Weight Watchers. I have had success every single time (yes, does this tell you anything...there have been many times!) with Weight Watchers. I have done well and been able to sustain it pretty well in the past....until I get off track, which I just need to not be doing this time. I think I can use a lot of what I have learned about eating whole foods and staying away from sugar and refined flours and things and use the WW plan to keep my portions and my percentage of "cheats" in check. I really do think it will be helpful. So, I bit the bullet, paid the 56 bucks for 3 months of online membership, and I will give it 3 months to see how it goes. I will be hitting my big 4-0 about then. Sure would be nice to have some success to celebrate!

I have been doing better in the exercise department too....until I got sick with bronchitis, that is. I have been suffering this week with the most awful barky cough and chest congestion. We went to see my family last weekend, and my allergies went ballistic on me--cedar, I think. My allergies are always pretty bad, but I think whatever was in the air up there was worse and my throat started to get sore, from drainage I am guessing. Next thing I know, I am coughing and feeling like garbage. My CBC showed nearly 12% eosinophils!!! Which either means I have a parasite or allergies, most likely. That is a really high number. Well, I am thinking if I had a tapeworm I'd be gettin skinny, so since I am not, I will assume the allergies did a number on me. Thankfully, one of our great ER docs here at the hospital wrote me for some antibiotic and it seems to be helping clear up the chest stuff, although it's still there. We are going camping this weekend, thankfully in cabins, so I am hoping that I don't stir something back up.

So, that's the update. Weight Watchers, here I come. Lord, help me. I really need to get well, and need to get disciplined!

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