Thursday, April 30, 2009

Wish I didn't feel this way, but I do

Sometimes this whole concept of "seasons" of life sucks...I know that sounds crass, but I just have to put it where it is. I am in a crappy "season" right now, and it is getting more and more difficult to deal with at times. I know I am loved by the Lord, and I know He has a plan for me. I am blessed beyond belief by my babies, and I couldn't be more thankful for the gift of being their I really need to get out of this funk.

Much of the time, though I know its not intended as anything of the sort, I feel very....hmmmm..inept? irrelevant perhaps. not necessary. useless....yep..all of those seem to hit it where it is--and it hurts.

I feel that way in pretty much every area of my life, except with my kids, where I KNOW I am needed. I may not be the world's best mom...but at least I know I really am needed there, and I haven't screwed that up too too bad (yet...hopefully I won't!)I used to feel like I had something to offer. Gifts and talents that were needed. But lately, I just feel that everyone is afraid I am too overloaded and will drop the ball and screw things up. I don't necessarily think that perception is 100% accurate, but I nevertheless, the perception is there and I am affected by it. Which makes me go: maybe I am inept. Maybe I am a screw-up. Maybe I don't really ahve that much to offer.

Painful, raw, depressing stuff, I know. Probably too much honesty for a blog. But you know what...that is where I am. I have to own it and turn to the Lord and pray He will make sense of things and make it all clear to me. I know He created me with a purpose. I know He wants to use me...He wants to use all of us in some way. So, I will keep on keepin on and wait on Him...trying to hear His voice more than I hear the others.

Lord, please help me. I am hurting, and I need Your help. I want to be useful..and the I need to understand that as long as I am doing what is pleasing to You, I am on the right path. "Your grace is sufficient for me, for Your power is made perfect in weakness.....that is why I delight in weakenesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Team World Vision

Hey there, everyone,
As many of my buds know, I spent last week in Chicago at a youth ministry conference put on by Willow Creek Community Church--which is ginormous! I had a great time, learned lots of cool stuff, and was, as usually happens at these sorts of things--inspired! I wanted to share one of the things that particularly inspired me this past week, in hopes that maybe, just maybe it could inspire a few of you as well...and that you could be crazy with me!

Most of you know me, and know I am an athlete-wannabe, and have been for some time. (I am also a musician wannabe, an artist wannabe, and lots of other wannabes too...yes, I know, jack of all trades, master of none!) Anyhow..this thing I learned of appealed to the athlete-wannabe in me--and also, to the sense of purpose I have as a believer in Jesus Christ. What a cool thing when the passion of your first love (ie, Jesus) comes together with the other passions He wired us with! Back in the day at the Aggie BSU, I remember going through the then brand new study Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. There were many great things about that study, but one of the ones that has stuck with me...oh, nearly 20 years later, I guess it this: Take a look around at what God is doing, and join Him there. This sorta fits into that piece of advice.

Okay...get on with it, Stacy...Why yes, I think I will!

At the Shift Conference at Willow, there was a table and a short presentation made by World Vision, a Christ-centered relief organization that seeks to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world. In their words, according to their website: "World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in working with the poor and oppressed to promote human transformation, seek justice, and bear witness to the good news of the Kingdom of God." They do many, many different things from child sponsorships where you can provide for the needs of a child from anywhere around the world, relief for children with AIDS, disaster relief and supplying the needs of those affected by poverty not only abroad but also around the United States. Personally, I have always been somewhat leary of some of this "justice" stuff..simply because much of what I have seen of it in the past has left Christ out of the equation. I have shyed away because I felt that if it wasn't centered on Christ, well, then what really was the point?

I am beginning to see some of this in a new light now...We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in a world that is without. The whole story of the Bible is that of a broken world that He came to redeem. He invites us to be a part of that. While it is grace alone that saves us, His doing and not ours, I believe that in order to truly have the "life and life to the full" that Jesus desires for us in John 10:10, we must live out our faith...There are many, many ways to do this, of course...but this particular way put forth by World Vision caught my attention this last week, and really "jingled my jangle", so to speak. World Vision has Christ at the center of all that they do, and their mission is a living out of that faith--and I was quite impressed by that, and inspired to join in the Blackaby put it!

So..where does the running thing come in? So glad you asked! (yes, I am a bit crazy, I know, to be able to carry on my own conversation in a blog!) Team World Vision. It is an effort, very similar to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team in Training program, or even akin to the MS150 bike ride which raises money for multiple sclerosis research...or any number of organizations that raise money and awareness for a cause, by a commitment to train for a honker of an athletic endeavor and asking people to join you in your effort by supporting the cause you are running/biking/whatevering for.

Team World Vision is in its baby years, and only has a few "official" events as of now, but they are growing like crazy, which is really cool! They want to challenge people to run a marathon or a half-marathon in support of the work that they do. You choose an event, set up a little personal fundraising website, and train for your event. Ideally, it would be a group of people training together as a group in a community, to where you do your daily shorter runs on your own and have a weekly group run together, which is the long-run component of the training program. They have a support community of others doing the same thing and coaches etc. who can communicate with you and your team via email, but it would work optimally if there were a local "coach" so to speak, who knew the ins and outs of the training process, and who could help the group with the challenges of training for such an event.

There is no minimum amount that has to be raised...there is no obligation or catch...other than the accountability you have from the others who are taking on the same challenge and will be spurring you on! The shared time together training is cool...and so is the fact that you are running for something bigger than yourself is too.

I got all the info and heard some really cool stories of folks who have taken this challenge on. Their website is if you'd like to see more, or feel free to call or message me about it. I would love to take on this challenge with a group of friends....would love local friends, but even friends who are far away would be fun to keep up with and stay accountable to! You don't have to be a super athlete to do it (look at me...truly...if I can run a marathon--which I have--ANYONE can do it!) and you don't have to have any other special stuff....just a desire to challenge yourself and commit to something cool, and a desire to combine that with helping out with a really cool cause, that of sharing Jesus in very practical ways with a world in need.

Let me know if you want to know more!

ps...for anyone interested in the Chicago marathon in October--it is sold out, as of last week...but Team World Vision has a couple of hundred spots available...I can hook you up! (sounds like "pst..I know a guy! heehee!)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lone Star Triathlon--I did it!!!

Yay me!!! I did it, I really did it! Yesterday was the Lone Star Sprint Triathlon, and I did it!!! ! third of a mile swim, 12-mile bike, and 3.1 mile run. This was my first try at a tri (love the word play there!) and it was really, really fun! Today at church, lots of people were asking me how it went and all that sort of thing, and my standard answer has been: "I finished and I am alive--and it was fun!"

So, it ends up I went and did this deal all by myself...We decided it would be way too long of a day for the kiddos to come and try to kill time in between all of my stuff (especially as slow as I am) and that it was way too early to have to get them up and at I ventured out on my own to Galveston for my big adventure. The night before I tried to get everything together, and everything came together pretty smoothly, with the exception of my goggles. I couldn't find them, because I used the bag they usually live in to go with the youth group to our weekend at Conclaves just last week, and I think I must've taken them out in an effort "not to lose them", so, I was up way later than I planned trying to locate those..which thankfully, I eventually did! I have my alarm set to wake me at THE buttcrack of was like 4:30. I often stay up that late, but to wake up in the 4s just seems insane to me--oh is me, so I guess that fits after all!

I get up and get the bike in the back of my truck and all my other stuff, and I didn't have much good to eat at the house, so I decided I had a few bucks, I would see what I could find on the way--because I just can't do something like this on an empty stomach. Yes, I do have enough fat probably to last me years, but I guess its not readily enough available, so I needed fuel. I was so, so sad to be told at the taco-stand-formerly-known-as-Mendozas that they didn't open til 5:30...and man oh man, did it ever smell GOOD! So, I drove off sadly to head to Galveston and see what I might find on the way. Well...uh...that would be nothing! Hitchcock is about the only town I went through, and...well...there isn't much in Hitchcock! So, I crossed the Causeway onto the Island, missed the exit for Moody Gardens I should've taken (which was a good thing) and low and behold...I found the place for my breakfast of champions--Shipleys! Oh yea...I'm an athelete, dontcha know! A coupla sausage kolaches and chocolate donuts later (yes, disgusting I know, but by golly, I was going to be in a triathlon!) I was back on the right road, headed to Moody Gardens. I find where I am going fairly easily, and as I pull up to the parking garage at the hotel, there are lots of people unloading bikes and stuff, so I figure I'm in the right place.

I proceeded to get all my stuff out, lock up the truck, and followed the herd. I really had no idea where we were going. It was dark (buttcrack of dawn still), I'd never been to Moody Gardens before, and I certainly had never done a triathlon before! So, I just followed the people pushing bikes who all looked way more athletic than me, and hoped we'd get to the right place! There was an old guy who must've could tell I was a newbie at this, and he was really nice and told me I'd be hooked after this first one. That was cool, just to have someone encourage me...especially since I was by myself and all...made it not quite so intimidating. So, I get my packet and head over for the "body marking" place, which sorta tickled and made me laugh. (yes, I am also the one laughing my head off when I donate blood, because it tickles when they rub the betadine on my arm!)...incidentally, that marker they use is pretty darn permanant! This morning at church I proudly sported my "945" race number on my leg and arm, and the "37" on my calf that said how old I was!! Craig told me they must mark your body because it is too hard to swim with a toe-tag on...yup, I was encouraged!

So, after I'm all marked up, I find my little about 8 inches of real-estate in the transition area, and get everything all set up and ready to roll.....Didn't know for sure what all I was doing, but the nice thing was, they had us arranged to where it was all first-timers where I was I guess no one around really knew what all they were doing either, which was actually sorta nice! I met 2 nice ladies from Sugarland who were right by me there--Susie with some sort of a British-sounding accent, and Rita...whose name I remember because I was thinking one of those might taste sorta good when this was all over, if I managed to survive! (as in a "marga"...) I, being the cheesball I am, got them to take a picture of me before the race, which was cheesy but fun. So, by this time, its getting time to get down to bidness, so with everything as prepared as I could get it, I kicked off my chacos and left them in my bag, and headed off barefooted...and no await my wave for the swim.

I follow the herd of mostly wet-suited out people with all the different colors of swim caps on for the different swim waves over to the beach area behind the hotel that looks out over the bay, and for the first time, I see the swim course. looks sorta long, but maybe not too too bad. And I hear the announcer guy say that the "65 degree water is a little chilly this morning"....Holy cow! Sixty-Five! And I have no wetsuit...I would have loved to have had one, but honestly there was no moolah for renting one, much less buying I just decided I'd give it a shot without one...just tell myself it would be miserable and gut it through. As I dug my toes into the sand waiting and watching I got more nervous and thought that even my feet were cold in the sand! I had a good 35 minutes or so to get good and nervous before my wave of first-timers were on deck, so yea...that was fun!

By the time my wave got up there, they were saying the temp was up to a balmy 66 degrees...mmhmmm....yea...I am pretty certain at that point I really am short of brain cells! What in the h-e-double-hockey-sticks was I thinking to sign up for this thing!?!?!? Oh turning back I put my feet in the water and I think "that's not SO bad"...and I get in to about my waist and I am thinking "holy guacamole, I can't breathe, I can't brea..I can't...."and I seriously couldn't get my breath, it was so cold. I don't want to say I panicked, but I did have a moment of "crap, I am so not going to be able to do this...I am gonna have to turn around" but then I thought to myself that I couldn't stop before I even started, so I just started moving and moving and got my breathing to start again and calmed down, and then honestly, the cold wasn't so bad. So, I swim....freestyled a little, but the saltwater in my mouth got to be a little too much, so I flipped on my back a bit, then breast-stroked a bit, and sorta rolled back and forth between those two. I kept on moving, and felt better when i saw someone had to hold onto one of the surfboards out in the water for a bit to rest....I didn't have to do that, so I felt like I must've been doing okay. I push on and keep on swimming, however I could, and I made it to the ramp to get out of the bay. Yay! I had the biggest ear-to-ear grin at that point, because I knew if I could do the swim, I could finish this sucker...yay me!

I go to the transition and pull off my wet shorts that were on over my swimsuit and throw on a dry pair, put on my running shoes and helmet, and get the bike. This was my FAVORITE part! Oh my goodness, was it ever fun! I started out with not quite enough air in my tires, but at the halfway point, I got the Bike Barn people to give me some more air, and man, did I feel like a new woman then! We rode along the Seawall in Galveston and it was just so fun to be riding there! I know its Galveston, and I know it's not fabulous or whatever, but there is still something so cool to me, about cresting a little hill from where we were and coming up over the top and there is the Gulf. Yea, its sorta brown and yea, who knows whats in there since Ike, but doggonit, its still saltwater and its still the know...sort of! Anyhow...the bike part was way cool! I even passed several people, which was really fun! When you are as slow as me at so many things, its sort of amazing to think about passing I fully enjoyed that part, since it is so rare! I even used the aerobars a little bit....for sure when I passed the photographer...I felt like a real athlete then!

So I finish the bike part, get it parked back in its spot in transition, and its time for the like the "pedestrian" part of the tri....I was pretty spent by this point, so I had to alternate my running and walking. The run wound all around Moody Gardens and was really nice...with the exception of all their little man-made bridge-y things and what not that required uphills! But, I was still able to run a decent portion of it..albeit I felt good about it. I even passed 2 little skinny 16-year-olds...and that felt really good! muwahahaha!!! So, I come to the finish, and I see the big archy-thing with the clock on it, and man, was I ever happy! The announcer dude said my name and age and that I was a first-time, from Lake Jackson, all that sorta thing...and it felt good! I got my cool towel and water bottle, and ya...I now can say I'm a triathlete!

It was really a fun experience, and I think I'd like to do another sometime....I'm not really up for anything longer than what I did, unless I suddenly had way more time on my hands and way less big-butt on my body than I have now....but I'd certainly do another was fun! And, I guess, because you are floating for part of it and riding a bike for part of it, my body isn't nearly as sore as it was say, from the half-marathon I did. I mean, I can tell I did something, but it's not like the day after Surfside, when I could hardly move!

So, after calling home, so they knew I was alive, and a few friends, I hopped back in my truck and headed for home. Made the mistake of trying to go over San Luis Pass to Bluewater Highway....I think there is more washout than road from the hurricane between San Luis and the Surfside City was a slow trip!

My kids watched me on the least we think they did! They saw someone finish at about the right time they thought was me, and they said "Mommy won, Mommy won!" Their daddy explained to them that mommy didn't win....when they asked why, he told them that it was because mommy was slow....they asked why again, of course. I asked him if he told them "its because mommy is a big lardbutt who eats Shipleys before a triathlon" and he assured me that wasn't his answer, so I guess that was a good thing. was really, really fun, and I loved it! I feel strong and like I accomplished something pretty cool, and I do hope to do it again sometime. I cannot thank my friends who encouraged me enough, and helped me to know what to do....especially Abbie and Donnie--man oh man, I would have been COMPLETELY clueless if not for their help! Incidentally, Abbie did the quarter ironman there today...and did so completely awesome!

So...I guess that's about it! That's my race report, and I'm stickin' to it! I am so grateful that the Lord gives us opportunities like this, and that we can see what miracles lie in His creation...namely these bodies He has made. I mean, mine is nothing special or anything, but He still gives me the ability to challenge it and push it and to do some pretty cool stuff! And I think that's very cool!!

Thanks for reading, if you actually made it this far! Below I cut and pasted all my results from the race website....happy trails, ya'll!!!!

Clock Time
Chip Time
Overall Place
179 / 974
Gender Place
81 / 410
Division Place
81 / 99
Swim 500M Rank
Swim 500M Time
Swim 500M Pace
T1 Time
Bike 12 5M Rank
Bike 12 5M Time
Bike 12 5M Pace
T2 Time
Run 3 1M Rank
Run 3 1M Time
Run 3 1M Pace

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What might have been....

The Little Texas song "What might have been" is in my mind....because of what is in my heart--and has been for a few days now. Darn is so good..and so great...and so difficult sometimes to catch up with folks from way back when.

A heartbreak...really, probably THE biggest heartbreak of my life...from back many, many years ago is hurting all over again. This has hit me from nowhere, and man, does it hurt--probably as much, maybe more than it did so many years ago. Though I probably shouldn't be surprised by this, I am. And it is hard!

Oh Lord, will You please take the pieces of my broken heart and put them back together into what You want them to be....I trusted You with my broken heart so many years ago...and I still trust You now. Help me not to think of "what might have been" but to move ahead into the promise I have in You. I never really understood the concept of hope up until that heartbreak. I pray You'd help me to understand the concept of hope I trust in You!