Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Birthday Bike Ride!

I just realized I never did post about my birthday bike ride! We went to Liberty Hill, which is very near to my hometown, and I had signed up for the 44-mile version of the Spokes and Spurs Ride, which benefits a beautiful ranch up there, Spirit Reins Ranch, where they do equine therapy with children. Beautiful, beautiful area and a near perfect day for a bike ride! We had also gotten Craig his road bike not too long before, so he took it and he and the boys rode in the 6-mile family ride, while GG went and had an amazing girl-day with my mom. Anyhow....My kids did amazing. They were super proud after their 6 miles, and did a great job! My 44 mile for my 40th bday was super fun...but tough! First of all, I saw a friend from high school that I have kept up with on Facebook, but haven't seen since high school, over 20 years ago. He is all into running and triathloning and such and in great shape, so 40-year-old me was sort of embarrassed to show my fat self, but I was friendly and it was good to see an old friend. The day started out a little overcast and cool, but felt great. The first couple of miles weren't too bad, and then we hit some hills, which to locals up there who are used to riding them aren't so bad--but for someone who mostly rides in the flat swamp, it was tough! I was kicking in my Granny Gear within the first 5 miles on some of the hills, and was thinking to myself "Good Grief, how I am I gonna do THIS??" And sometimes I would kind of have to stop and tell myself it wasn't a race...not that I am fast...but I would feel like I had to hammer out and keep a certain pace, and really, I didn't need to. So, once I kept remembering it was for fun and just relaxed, it got a little easier and more fun. Well...for awhile! Just before the first rest stop at around 13ish miles or so, we came around a corner, and were looking pretty much straight up a wall of a hill with a sign at the bottom that said "Get ready to climb"...holy cow! They weren't lyin! I had to dig in and give it all I had to keep moving and almost fell before I was able to unclip and I had to walk up it the rest of the way. I always feel like a weenie when I have to walk, but this was killer! There was one other hill I had to get off and walk up later on, but I was able to ride to the tops of the rest of them. By the time we hit 30ish miles or so, it was getting out and out hot outside, and somewhere around 35, my phone started to lose charge, so I had to quit using my Cyclemeter, because my power button on my phone is broken--I am afraid if it turns off I will never get it to turn on again! so, the last 9 miles or so was kinda tough not knowing exactly where I was mileage-wise (oh, how spoiled we get!) but it was fun! I hit 40 miles and thought to myself that I could technically quit there if I wanted to, since it was for my 40th bday...but I kept on going and made it the whole 44, and it was awesome! I didn't feel great after that (headache, etc) but got over it later that night and had a great bday dinner with my mom and dad. My mom had made an amazing chocolate cake for me with chocolate cool-whip stuff inside it and I indulged freely since I had ridden so far. Gosh, it was good! The next morning I got to sit beside the San Gabriel River where we were staying and just sorta think and be thankful for the 40 years I have been given. I want so badly to get healthy so that I can have many more birthdays...not because I want some long glorious life, but because I want to see my kids grow up and know my grandkids, and I often pray that I might get to meet my great-grandkids. Kind of a bold prayer for a woman who didn't have kids until her 30s, but I pray it anyway. My God is big enough....and He is big enough to help me get smaller....Here's to an amazing 40 years! Thank You, Lord!

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