Friday, February 10, 2012

Off the wagon, tryin to get back on

Well, I have been off the WW wagon since Los Cucos threw a wrench into the slaw on Saturday last weekend, but I am trying to get back with it. I haven't been awful terrible, but just haven't really been good, and certainly haven't been tracking my points since the weekend. Well, we are at another weekend, and its time to get back to business. I could use the excuse of pms-chocolate cravings this past week, but you know, you can't allow those cravings to control your eating for like 2 weeks. Really, Stacy, come on! Also, this week, I have just been crazy, ridiculous exhausted. Not sure why that is, but its true. I haven't been riding the bike in the mornings because all I can do is just sit and lay my head back. My usual 4 hours of sleep feels more like an hour or so. So, yea...not a great week for my health, but a great week to KNOW I can only do better from here on out!

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