Thursday, February 23, 2012

Two Days Down!

Well, I have been behavin so far...two days of chocolate-free, sugar-free Lent. I haven't had too much trouble sticking to it so far, although I have had slightly more snacking of some other things than I a few fritos last night, and one roll I shouldn't have had at dinner tonight. But really, I am happy with how I have done. Also, I finished week 1 of the Couch to 5K program today running. I am bummed that I have to go so far back to the beginning on my running, but glad I am making progress! I am reading a book right now by Kim Bensen called Finally Thin and it tells of this lady's journey to lose 200 pounds! I think if I could read an inspirational book like this every week, it would probably help my motivation. She lost through Weight Watchers, which is encouraging too, since that is what I am trying to follow, even if I haven't been altogether consistent. In other news...I sure am glad its Friday tomomrrow! I am so whipped this week. Hoping to catch up on some glorious sleep and to behave myself this weekend. One day at a steps....Skinny, here I come!

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