Wednesday, March 21, 2012

So...not much to say, I guess

I haven't written in a while, because there isn't a whole lot going on terribly exciting to write about at the moment. We were home on Spring Break this last week and just trying to get back in the groove. I began eating like I hadn't eaten in a year or so while we were in Wimberley last weekend, and pretty much kept it up for the rest of the week. I am trying to get back on track some now. One thing exciting was that I did cook and really enjoy a spaghetti squash today! Now that was good! If I could get myself hooked on something like that, I am thinking weight loss could actually happen...maybe?! Next weekend is my bike ride in Liberty Hill for my birthday, which I am super excited for. I have been riding some on the trainer and rode outside on Sunday afternoon and it was great. I really want to get consistent on my bike again....I do love it!

Well....I guess that's it for now. I still am struggling with what to write about. I am still struggling with getting consistent exercise. I am still struggling with spending time with the Lord consistently. I am still struggling with what I want to be when I grow up. I am still struggling thinking I will be fat forever.

Oh Lord, help me! I am crying out to You in my weakness. I sometimes don't even realize just how weak I me to be obedient, and to know the hope I have in You!

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