Monday, February 18, 2008


I feel great tonight...had my first "two-a-day" workout today...I went to the gym this morning and ran on the treadmill for 35 minutes (with a walk break or two, of course) and then tonight a friend came over after I had my kids were in bed and she and I got to take a 3-mile walk. It felt soooo great! The weather is sorta cool and it's pretty much perfect for going out and walking. It felt so, so good, and it's so nice to walk with a good friend and get to visit and catch up.

And, I hopefully worked off most of my supper! Can't beat that! We are gonna try to go again tomorrow night, and I'll go to the gym in the morning, so hopefully tomorrow will be another 2-a-day. I have to work overnight Wed and Thurs, so all I'll get in those days is my morning at the gym workout...but hey, I'll take the late night walk whenever I can get it! I'm feeling good! Woohoo!

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