Woohoo....I am down under 225, headed for the 2-teens now. It seems I was stuck at that 227ish area for a few weeks, but things are moving again, and I am so thankful for it. I am now weighing in consistently between 221 and 224....next mark, to be consistently below 220. My birthday is at the end of March, and how wonderful it would be to be in the 2-0's by then.
I've now completed 6 full weeks (plus 1 day so far) of working out EVERY M-F without fail. It feels sooooo good, and I am not only feeling better physically, but emotionally too. Exercise is sooooo good for the mental health! I think I forgot how much I loved getting my blood pumping and my muscles moving.
I am also 3 weeks no chocolate. That's a real big deal for me. I'm not missing it too, too much, really. Just if things get a little stressful. Like this past weekend. I had an awful lot going on with the youth potato luncheon at church that I pretty much have to pull together and working the other job (2 night shifts last week) my 5th and 6th grade youth group Friday night, etc. Oh, and my baby girl was sick Saturday night with vomiting and stuff, which I don't do very well! By the time Sunday got here and I was working on like about 6 hours of sleep for the entire week and everything going on, I was REALLY feeling the need for some chocolate!! I made it though, and even though it was all around me, the Lord helped me to keep the commitment to stay away from it--and it felt like a little victory, which is a cool feeling!
Yesterday I didn't get to go to the gym because of the lingering effects of Missy G's little stomach bug (ie, diarrhea) but my good friend and I went walking last night late and so I still got in some exercise. We walk pretty fast and last night I think we went around 4-1/2 miles....a little over an hour of walking. It felt great, and really therapeutic. My husband was having a very difficult time last night (okay, when is he not?) especially difficult, with some major problems and stuff going down at work. I have been so frustrated with him, so it took all I had to try and walk the line between compassion and telling hard truth. It was really wearing me out. Well, by the time my friend and I had walked, things were feeling a lot better. It is good for the mind as well as the body! We'd go around the 3/4-mile block in our neighborhood and get back to my house and be like "we aren't done talking yet...let's go another!) and by the time we finished, it was nearly midnight and 6 laps later! She's been through quite a lot herself lately, so I think it was good for both of us. Praise God for the gift of wonderful, precious friends!! I have a lot of things that I am less than pleased with in my life.....but my cup overflows with blessings from my friends...who are really like family. My kids are pretty darn wonderful too!
2-teens, here I come! (never thought I'd be so excited to say that!)
Later, gators!
I have been stuck at 219.5-220 for a week. My birthday is also in March (11th). I am hoping to be down another 5 pounds by then. I start running tonight ,so wish me luck on that.
You are doing so well. You should be proud.
Hey girl. I am so proud of you and your stick-toiveness! You are doing a great job and it is showing. I am sorry for the problems CS is having at work - he chatted with my DH today. You guys are certainly having your share of tests lately. I have no doubt that you will make it through with flying colors. Lean on those friends when you need to - we love you!
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