Thursday, August 18, 2011

What an amazing 7 years!

Well, today we celebrate a very special day at our boys will be SEVEN years old!! This past 7 years has absolutely flown by, and it has been the greatest adventure I have ever been on. I am so thankful for each and every moment I have been able to spend with my precious boys. They are growing up so fast and are becoming such wonderful young men, right before my eyes! They can read now, are kind and considerate, love Jesus and their family, and I am beyond anything I can describe absolutely in love with these little guys. So, so thankful! Hoping I can make it a special day for them, despite being in between night shifts. I also don't have nearly as many gifts as I would like to have for them, so I am hoping tomorrow we can make everything happen that needs to come together!

I am also hoping to stay away from the sugar of the birthday cakes tomorrow and this weekend! It may be tough, but I think I am doing pretty well with my cravings. Weight is still holding pretty steady, so hopefully it will move a little more when I can start exercising more regularly.

Finished reading The Help tonight too...what an amazing book! I loved it, and can't wait now to see the movie! Anyhow....da,da,da,dat's all folks!!!!!


Julie said...

You sound good and as always soooo very busy! Yep, those guys are beyond precious and you are doing a great job as their mom! John and I have loved every moment of watching them grow and hope to be there for those wonderful moments to come.
Love ya, girlfriend.

Stacy said...

Awwww...thanks, Julie! We love ya'll so much, and are so thankful to have ya'll be so close to our and John both mean more to us than I can put into words!