Sunday, December 7, 2008

Time to fess-up-date

Well, its been a rough last week and I must confess, I haven't run in right at a week. I will say I am missing it though! Last week I got this nasty awful cold-type something and it threw me off big time. I went to bed one night at like 9:30, which is unheard of for, ever! I don't think I had the flu, because I think I would've taken longer to get over it, but my body ached and I felt in general like crud. I know I had fever too, because I went to bed that one night with my coat on, flannel jammies, and a pile of covers, and was still freezing my patootie off (and lemme tellya....that's a lot of freezing, because I have quite an ample patootie!). Anyhow, the next day I felt slightly better, but not by much, and then the rest of the week I felt better each day, but still haven't quite felt 100% since. So, I missed a whole week of running, no swimming, no nada. I feel like a big slug, but I really don't think there's much I could've done about it...I just hope it doesn't take me too long to get back with it, because I had been doing so well up to that point. I actually felt good enough to run yesterday, and was hoping too, but I am trying now to finish my class up that was started back at the beginning of summer, that I got an extension on courtesy of Ike. It's all due this Friday, so it's crunch time now. I took my final the other day, and think I did pretty well on it. I wrote my final paper last night...all 10 pages of it, and I need to go back and make sure the stuff I wrote at 4 am actually makes sense. I was getting pretty droopy by that time! Now, I just have one more paper to finish up, and can't do that until I go to Houston Thursday night for a Young Lives club I will be writing about. I have half the paper written with the background info, now I just have to fill in the other stuff with my specific observations Thursday. Wow...I just looked back, and this is a seriuosly boring note! I usually think I'm a decently entertaining writer, but crapola....I'm just sorta droning on tonight! Maybe once I get my run on and get those endorphins on the move I can be witty and fun again! But for now.....I'm settin the alarm, I have my clothes and my shoes out for in the morning, and I'm about to head to sleep...hopefully I will (in a fun way) post soon about another awesome run!

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