Saturday, October 25, 2008

Four days down makes my first week back!

Well, I made it out the door early Wed, Thurs, and Friday, and got out this afternoon for 4 days out walking/running/shuffling my feet/yada yada, that's my first week back at the "I wanna be a runner" quest. I am so happy I am getting back out there. I already feel better and just the consistency and the routine are things are thrive with....I'm loving it!
Today, since nobody had to go into work or anything, I decided to sleep a little later...well...slightly later. The boys came and woke me up at 6:15 wanting to see their "mornin' shows", The Wiggles, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Tigger and Pooh and the morning Playhouse Disney lineup. 6 stinking 15! I don't know where they get this up at the buttcrack of dawn trait, but if it keeps up, it will serve them well, I'm sure! Oh, how I wish it came as naturally to me to get up so stinkin early!
Anyhow, the new LJ firestation was having an open house, so we went over there this morning and sat in firetrucks and ambulances and looked around at everything for awhile, and then came my trip to PetSmart to the SPCA setup. We fell in love with this precious pup named Pickles, who is going to be a great family-type dog, I"m pretty sure. We used to have dauchsunds, and due to their digging out of our yard as well as their propensity to not be so great with kids, they are in a new home now. I have been wanting to find a good family dog, because the kids, especially Gabriella are just dog crazy. So, we found Pickles today. An intense conversation with dad, several papers, and about an hour later, our adoption was sealed. She has to be spayed before we could bring her home, so we'll be getting her on Wednesday. (yes, that has nothing to do with running, but it was a big event of today, nevertheless!) The kids are soooooo excited for her, and I'm looking forward to seeing them bond. She really is sweet.
So...back to the running! It was a gorgeous, gorgeous day today, and I was going to go on my run while the kids were napping, but didn't make it out there before the boys woke up. They have been getting a little rambunctious on me, and are starting to really test their limits some more (ie, look at me and laugh when I tell them no and whine, whine, whine about stuff!) so, I think a good outing should do them some good. They got bikes last year for Christmas--with training wheels--and are pretty good on them, so I strapped on their helmets and put on my shoes, and we went out for a bike ride for them and a run/walk/traffic officer time for me. When they go fast, it pushes me on the running, which is great...when they don't go fast,'s either a nice brisk walk, or a leisurely stroll, just depending on how far we've gone so far! I got a little of all of the above in today. We went down the cool sidewalk-that-looks-like-a-road off the side of Oyster Creek Drive, and they were having big fun on that, and started to recognize we were getting near the neighborhood of church. They really, really wanted to ride "all the way down to church, Momma!" so we went on down. I guess church is probably between 1-1/2 and 2 miles away, so we probably ended up doing a total of between 3 and 4 miles. They loved it, especially on the way there. They were getting a little tired on the way home, but they were troopers and did really well. We've ridden that far several times before, but it's been awhile. I did a lot of walking on the way back, but I figure at least I was still out there. I mean, it wasn't like a heart-pounding workout, but it was so much fun to listen to them talk and chatter away and see them riding there beside and around me. It was a lot of fun, and I'm hoping we get out to do it again soon.
They were pretty pooped by the time we got home, and Gabriella had been awake from her nap for awhile. Craig said when he got her up she got all sad because her "boys" weren't there.....but, she got over it and was very happy to see them when we got home.
The early runs have been so great this week....I've really enjoyed them, and the nice quiet time built in after I get home before the kiddos wake up. It's really been a blessing, and I so hope I can keep it up. The one thing I don't like about getting out at the buttcrack of dawn is how dark it is then. That is a little creepy...but I honestly don't know what self-respecting perpetrator would mess with me! I'm careful and all, but truly...who is going to want to jump an ugly fat woman with this much gray hair and an empty bank account wearing my tacky totally uncoordinated painting shorts with splatters all over them?? The good thing is, is that there seem to be quite a few people out walking and stuff at that time of the day..and that the time change is next week! I usually hate this time change, because I love the longer days, but I am thinking I"ll like it for the early morning-stuff. It'll be nice to have a little earlier daylight.
My eating isn't quite where it ought to be yet, but its moving in the right direction. I'm being a lot better than I had been, but not quite as good as I need to be on it. For me, it seems the healthy eating always follows the exercise...never the other way around. So, I'm trying to get that where it oughta be too.
I'm making my goal to be out running/walking/moving at least Monday through Friday mornings early. I am hoping to also get in a Saturday workout too. There has to be at least a day off a week, to give the body some recovery time, so that'll probably be on Sunday. When you are on staff at church, Sundays are pretty much work days--I seem to go morning til night on Sundays between church and my responsibilities there, teaching confirmation, and then leading a small group for youth and having high school youth Sunday evenings. Next Sunday I am preaching, so I'll REALLY be on the go then! (I just love it when I get to preach..but it does take a lot out of you, to preach 2's so fun though!) Anyhow, if I can do the Monday through Friday or Saturday thing, I think I will feel pretty consistent and like I am making progress. It wouldn't hurt to move down the line in my closet too....I have my super-ultra-fat-clothes (the ones I am in now!), my super-fat-clothes (a little smaller, worn during the first part of my twin pregnancy and some of my single-baby pregnancy), my fat clothes (which I wore before having kids for a few years), my sorta bigger clothes (from when I used to think I was fat--but that I"d love to be down to now!), and my normal person clothes, which are the goal!!! I'd so love to be in the normal-size-person clothes and toss those other ones OUT! (of course, I'd give them to Salvation Army or something...but I'd love to first toss them in a trash can, sorta like they do on what not to wear!), 4 days down. Not a bad first week....not too bad at all, I think! Thanks again for all the encouragement! Accountability is a good thing!

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