Okay...time to get a few things in order, so that I can feel better about things. I am still in a bit of a crappy funk, but I am determined to plow through and let the Lord work in me and through me.
There are a lot of things about my life I cannot change: the choices I have made that have brought me here, as well as the circumstances and person I might like to change. Those things are just givens and it isn't within my power to change them. I can pray and let go of the past and that sort of thing, but I can only be responsible for who I am, and the choices I make. So, I am going to commit afresh to making better choices and trying to get back into control the things I DO have control over!
So, here goes:
1. Exercise!!!!!! This is always a mood lifter as well as motivation for me to behave myself on eating. It's a much healthier stress release than is Blue Bell milk chocolate! I need to get back to the gym, get back to walking, and get back with it....consistently!
2. Eating better: Smaller portions, healthier stuff. I need to cut out the fried/high carby junk I have been living on lately....cut out the fast food. Cut out the monster portions. I need to eat like a human and not the ginormous elephant/whale I have become. Part of this is going to be painful---It pains me greatly, but I HAVE to give up chocolate. I don't know if it's forever or for a season, but me and chocolate go round and round and round...and it seems to win everytime! I gave it up for the 6 weeks of lent and made it. I should be able to make it longer than that, as long as I get it out of my system and stay away from it.
3. Staying off of this stinking computer....I don't waste time with TV, but I am really bad about the internet. I need to limit myself to like 5 minutes, unless I'm working on something specific. I also need to not be on during the day when my kids are awake, unless again, I am working on something that specifically needs working on.
4. Try to do the fly-lady cleaning stuff around here....baby steps to get this house in some sort of an order!
5. Quit negative talk....especially about a certain someone who drives me batty...instead, pray! (way more easier said than done!)
6. And last, but really, really not least...in fact, this should have been way at the top of the list: Draw near to the Lord and spend more consistent time with Him......When I seek Him first, the rest seems to work so much better.....amazing, isnt' it!
It's Monday now....so, time to hop to it! No better time than now! Lord, please help me!
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