Well, today started a little rocky with a big, bad headache and then when I got up, I was so dizzy I had to hold onto the walls to walk through my house. Craziness! I am never dizzy like that....so yea, that was a little unsettling. I got a later start this morning due to that. I got my sweeties up, got their breakfasts, and then told them we needed to just sit down for a little bit so mommy could feel better before we went to the gym. Well, we finally got going and stopped by the church to do a few things we needed to do and then made it to the gym. I got in 30 minutes on the elliptical, and it felt good, although a little harder than usual, between how I was feeling and using the "interval" program for the first time. But, I made it, was covered in sweat by the end, and loved it like crazy!
After that, I had to get to work at the hospital, so I got the kids their lunches, and they really started to melt down before I went to work. I was in tears by the time I left! It's so hard to have to go to work when I feel like they need me. Well, by the time I had been there for a little while, I got a call from my husband that one of the boys seemed really hot and was very upset, nearly incosolable. Thinking we would need to make a trip to the urgent care clinic, I came home (I had the carseats) and he was doing much better.....seems when he was told he would have a visit to the doctor that he started feeling MUCH better. He was still rosy-cheeked and a little warm, but he was smiling, eating, and saying he felt fine. So, I decided to go back to work and see how things are in the morning.
Now, to figure out tomorrow. I don't think he can go to school; but what about his twin? It's awfully hard to take two 3-year-olds to school (which they love) and try to explain why one can go and one can't. I am also supposed to have a staff meeting at church in the morning, and had even made arrangements to go to school for lunch to see some of my youth. Not quite sure if I'll make it to anything as of now; I guess I'll just have to see how things go in the morning. Oh...and I HAVE to figure out a way to get some exercise tomorrow. I highly doubt that my husband will let me leave the house without kids while he is awake, but we can't go to the childcare place at the gym if he's sick. Geez! Speaking of which....I guess I better go clean the kitchen now. Came home from working tonight to food still being on the table and nothing being cleaned up (again)....gotta love that. grrrrr!
Hmmm....maybe I should spend some more time in that "Loving Well" devotional book I've been working my way through.....I need the Lord to do some lovin' through me...because I don't always feel like doing it on my own! Off to the kitchen now!
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