Wednesday, September 24, 2008


How sweet it is! Routine, that is! We have been living in a topsy-turvey world for the last 2 weeks, since dear old Hurricane Ike came to visit us. Schools not open, unable to work, except at the hospital, and a crazy existence that has just felt plain weird.

Today, my husband went back to work at school, as they are open for students for the first time since the storm tomorrow. Yay!
Today, my kids went back to preschool, first time they have been open since the storm. Yay!
Today, I went back to work at church. First time we've had power since the storm. Yay!
Today, I got up a little early and spent time with the Lord for the first time in awhile....I have been sorely undisciplined to do so least first thing in the morning. It was sweet. There is nothing better than to sit at His feet to begin the day....and continue the day, of course, too. I got myself a new study to work on for awhile. It's a Beth Moore study called "Jesus"....big book with journaling and readings and stuff for each day. I am more used to following my own plan, whatever it may be at a given time, but right now, I am needing and craving the structure a study like that brings. As I said....routine is beautiful!

I never thought I'd be so about a routine. We always in this world seem to get so wrapped up into things being different or "changing up the motonony" and so forth.....well, we got a good dose of that here on the Texas coast, compliments of Ike. My area less so than many others, but he still packed a good enough wallop to change our status quo and to change it up a lot! It's sort of exciting for a few days....crazy as it sounds.....the evacuation, the battening everything down, the staying up all night to watch the storm on tv while you are away...sorta neat for an adrenaline junkie, such as myself. But then, when you return, its hard to not have that routine school, no stores, no gas, no work, no anything that seems like the life you left behind a few days before. We had power at least....much more than you can say for many others around our community, but still, life was definitely interrupted.

And now, here we are! I am convinced that we serve a God who is all about ORDER. We are made in His image, and whether we realize it or not, He created us with a sense of order that works so much better to function with than the chaos we are in...whether created by ourselves or by circumstances beyond our control. You don't realize the beauty of the order until its gone for a time. And then are so thankful for it to return!

I woke up feeling more hope today than I have in awhile....more optimism, more joy, and just a general feeling that "its going to be okay!" Lord, help me to hold onto this feeling, which I know is only from You! Help me to live in the order You have created, and to walk with You. It's gonna be okay....I just need to trust and obey...and it will be okay!

Think I'll head to the gym now.....gotta be some order to this body of mine, now!